


When are ゴールド選手権 created?
After the creation of a ゴールドチャンピオンシップ we will let all managers know the time and date it was created via a Notification.

When are Game World created?
Game World are created randomly throughout the day by members of our community who have purchased them via アップグレード.

I think there is a cheat in my ゲームワールド?
If you think a manager has broke the Terms and Conditions or the SM Code of Conduct which forms part of the same then please send Soccer Manager a support ticket with full details of the manager(s) in question, and we will look into this and take the appropriate action.

Why is my ゲームワールド closing?
A ゲームワールド can be permanently closed at the end of a season if it has one or less managers and it is administered by the SMサッカー協会. If a ゲームワールド is due to be closed then a warning message will be displayed within My Home.

Why have the SMFA banned me from entering a ゲームワールド?
If you are banned from a ゲームワールド this is because the SMFA have reason to believe that you either have an account and/or are linked to an account already in the ゲームワールド.

Why will the Chairman within the ゲームワールド not employ me?
The Chairman will look intelligently at how many clubs you have taken over within the specific ゲームワールド, and they are unlikely to employ you if you constantly swap clubs within that particular ゲームワールド or manage them for a short period of time.

There is a manager in my ゲームワールド who never responds to my bids?
Unfortunately there is nothing we can do in relation to this as we can't force any manager to participate within the transfer market.

What happens at the end of the season?
Once the last league fixture has been played, the ゲームワールド enters into preseason and 16 days later the opening day's fixture for the new season will be played.

Can I transfer Game World to a friends account?
You can't transfer Game World between any two accounts. However, if you would like to purchase a product via アップグレード for your friend then you can do so using the Gift facility.

Can I transfer a club to a friends account?
You can't transfer any club between any two accounts.

How do I manage my favourite club?
If you can't find your favourite club please manage an alternative club and then check again as Game World are created randomly on a daily basis. Alternatively you can go to アップグレード and purchase your very own ゲームワールド and on creation you can choose the first club in it!

Could you reserve me a club?
We cannot reserve any club for any of our members. Numerous Game World are created throughout the day at random times and you also have the option to purchase a スタンダードゲームワールド via アップグレード.